Meeting Minutes
July 6, 1999

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Pursuant to Government Code Section '54952.2, the City Council Agenda for July 6, 1999 was posted on the door of the City Council Chambers, Third and AH@ Streets on July 2,1999.

Mayor Rocha called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and Deputy City Clerk Chalk called the roll:

PRESENT:  Council Members Davis, Freitas and Mayor Rocha. Council Member Soliz arrived at 7:05 P.M. and Council Member Sudario arrived at 7:08 P.M.


City Manager Ramsey noted the staff report of July 2, 1999 included comments and suggestions received from previous work sessions. The intent of the work session was to begin finalization for implementation of Measure "U."

Deputy Director of Community Development Carniglia gave an overview of the previous workshops held and the assumptions and principles received from those meetings. He acknowledged comments from the public and Council were welcomed on the actions discussed.

Guy Bjerke, Home Builders Association, expressed concern for the building cap on residential growth, the expiration and renegotiation of the development agreements and future growth rate relating to the General Plan.

Meryl Gilliland, Richland Development, stressed the need for renegotiations of the development agreements with long time developers.

John Hall suggested the wording be clear and concise.

Jean Kuberra noted the real issues should be transportation and job development in the community and stated an action plan for the implementation of Measure "U" should be formulated.

Jim Kyle voiced his concern for various options presented tonight.

Jim Conley commended staff on their work. He felt a long term action plan was required and expressed concern for waiving the fee in regards to affordable housing.

Jason Cleaver supported the renegotiation of development agreements.

Guy Bjerke applauded staff's efforts on the actions and noted his areas of concern.

Jean Kuberra stressed the need for a set policy for renegotiations of the development agreements.

Discussion ensued regarding possible actions to be taken.

In response to Council inquiry, John Hill, representative of the Antioch Unified School District, noted the challenges of the District as related to growth in the city.

Council comments to staff included the following: staff to come back with information on 400/ 600/ 800 cap on building along with advantages and disadvantages and mythology of allocation; jobs before housing and one or two jobs per housing, impact to growth, positive and negative; how many development agreements, who are they, will the developers voluntarily agree to sit down and open up development agreements, parameters to include: economic development, roads and schools; ideas to amend the General Plan including issues and time line; work with AUSD and Brentwood School Districts to get ahead of student population; Municipal Service Fee implementation parameters and legal nexus issue; share Financing Authority information with neighboring cities in East County; legal nexus issues regarding Economic Development fee to new development; definition of new development; impact of FUA #1 and #2, Roddy Ranch and north of Balfour Road; East County Business Park issues in regards to sales tax revenue, fee structure, what happens when disagreements occur; Senior housing impacts of infrastructure; Park developments and trail systems, look into larger regional parks from maintenance standpoint; executive housing issues; Economic incentives to bring in businesses; low income housing, how many cities and how much Redevelopment money spent in community vs. ours along with each zone spent by law/per year for affordable housing and how much spent so far towards affordable housing; MTC transportation plan book; AUSD education and maintenance for existing schools; letter from FEMA re: flood plain in FUA #2; Mello Roos bonds re: issues of reducing housing re: 400/600/800; Schools projection; Redevelopment issues with Walnut Creek and Clayton, maybe work with other cities/countywide; Fees; existing developments preclude cap; what is Economic Development Fee applied to; look into Transportation Fee being assessed regionally.


Jean Kuberra expressed her concern on various actions discussed in regards to the Measure "U" implementation.

Mayor Rocha thanked the public for their participation in the 4th of July festivities and congratulated the committee on their outstanding success for the day. She requested an acknowledgement to the participants for their dedication and hard work at the next meeting.

With no further business, Mayor Rocha adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M., to the next scheduled Council meeting on July 13, l999.

Respectfully submitted:

JANET CHALK, Deputy City Clerk

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