August 31, 1999
7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers

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Pursuant to Government Code Section '54952.2, the City Council Agenda for August 31, 1999 was posted on the door of the City Council Chambers, Third and AH@ Streets on August 27, 1999.

Mayor Rocha called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M., and City Clerk Martin called the roll.

Present: Council Members Soliz, Davis, and Mayor Rocha

Council Member Sudario arrived at 7:04 P.M.

Council Member Freitas arrived at 7:05 P.M.

Mayor Pro Tem Davis led the audience and Council Members in the Pledge of Allegiance.


City Attorney Galstan presented the staff report dated August 25, 1999, adding a meeting between the residents and City staff had taken place. He thought the resulting agreement would be signed in the immediate future.

In response to Council Member Freitas= question, City Attorney Galstan stated he was not yet certain whether or not an easement would have to be recorded with the residential property documents, although he would prefer there be a requirement for easement recordation at the time of property sale.

John Rosema expressed his disappointment regarding the roof line. He stated the residents had been assured the roof line would not be visible from their yards, when in fact it was not only visible from their yards but has partially obstructed their view. While he realized the roof was up and could not be changed, he hoped in the future care would be taken to ensure everyone involved was on the same page.

Robert Wagnon stated he and the other residents would like the Council Members to physically look at what was left of the view. In response to Council Member Sudario=s question, Mr. Wagnon stated Don Stump and Don Webber, both from Christian Church Homes, were the ones who had assured him the roof line would not be visible from his property, but he did not have any documentation as proof.

In response to Council Member Sudario's questions, Community Development Director Ward stated there was not a Development Agreement, however the City Engineer had confirmed the rough grade as left by the Antioch Unified School District and the certified grade prepared by Christian Church Homes was in compliance with the grading plans. Senior Planner Bendorff, in answer to questions from Council Member Sudario, stated that there was not a Condition of Approval that spoke specifically to the roof line; the building structure would be signed off by the Planning and Building Divisions of the Community Development Department and the Engineering Division of Public Works based on the Conditions of Approval; and the grading had been performed in compliance with the Conditions of Approval which stated grading would be reduced the extent feasible.

Community Development Director Ward stated the appropriate number of Public Hearings and meetings had been held on this item. Council Member Sudario requested City staff and the development community work together in the future to ensure Antioch residents fully understand the intent of the developer, and avoid this type of misunderstanding (the issue of the roof line being too high).

Don McCreary, Christian Church Homes, stated he had not discussed the roof line with the residents because during his conversations with them, the roof line had not been a part of the discussion.

Jean Kuberra asked whether or not all the elevations in the project had been submitted to the Design Review Board before it was approved, to which Community Development Director Ward replied the major changes to the project would have been completed before it reached the Design Review Board. In response to Ms. Kuberra=s statement any change orders should not have been handled in the Afield@ but rather should have been returned for formal action, Community Development Director Ward stated had any changes been received, they would have been handled in that manner. However, he emphasized there had not been a request to change the roof line.

On motion by Council Member Freitas, seconded by Council Member Soliz, the Council voted unanimously to receive and file the report on the placement of the masonry wall for the Christian Church Homes Senior Housing Project located in the vicinity of Davison Drive and Deer Valley Road.

With no further business, Mayor Rocha adjourned the meeting at 7:27 P.M. to the meeting of August 31, 1999 at 7:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted:


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