• Finance Department

    Business License Information

Business License FAQs

Do I need a business license if the business is online?

An online business is still a business conducting sales and a license is required.

Do I need a State License?

Please contact Department of Consumer Affairs at  www.dca.ca.gov or call

(800) 952-5210 for more information.

Why do landlords require a business license?

In November 2014, City of Antioch voters approved Measure O, an update to the City’s existing business license tax which became effective December 9, 2014.  Specifically, Measure O requires an annual business license tax on residential landlords based on the total number  of units.

Will I need a fictitious business name?

If any name is used other than a personal proper  name, the business name is required to be registered with the County Clerk Recorder. https://www.contracostavote.gov/countyclerk/fictitious-business-name/

How long does it take to obtain a business license?

The application takes 2-4 weeks to process. Once  payment is received the license may take an additional 10 business days to process and mail out the license.

If I sell my business, can I pass on the license?

The old business license account must be closed, and a new application is required with the new owner’s information.

How often do I have  to pay for a business license?

The business license is an annual fee.

Do daycare facilities require a business license?

Daycare facilities as of 1/1/2020  do not require a city business license but do require one from the state of California. https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/child-care-licensing

What is the process for massage therapy establishments, secondhand dealers, and taxi cabs?

These businesses must visit the police department and complete an application. Upon approval, bring the original certificate to apply for a business license.

Do I need a permit to sell food?

Contact Contra  Costa Environmental Health Services as a health permit may be required before obtaining a business license with Antioch. Please visit their website https://cchealth.org/eh/food/ or call at (925) 608-5500.

What license do I obtain for a food truck or sidewalk vending?

First contact Contra Costa Environmental Health Services for a health permit. https://cchealth.org/eh/food/ . Next contact the Planning Division at (925) 779-6159 as an administrative use permit may be required. Lastly, apply for a business license with Antioch.

Is a license required for an adult care facility?

Residential Facilities with a capacity OVER 6 are not allowed in low and medium-low density Residential areas (so most standard residential neighborhoods).
“…facilities for six or fewer residents shall be treated as a residential use and subject only to the same requirements as any other permitted residential use of the same housing type that are in the same district”.
This means that if their capacity is 6 or less, they’re considered a residential use.

What are the requirements for a non-profit organization?

A non-profit is required to obtain a business license. The license tax fee may be waived if a 501C3  form is presented with the application.

When is a new license account required?

A new license account must be opened if the business has a change of ownership, change of federal tax identification number  (FEIN), or a location change.

How do I close a business license account?

For commercial and home-based businesses, a written verification of closure is required and can be emailed to the business license department at  financebuslic@antiochca.gov .  For landlord requirements click here

Do I need a Federal Tax Number  (FEIN)?

A FEIN is used to identify a business entity. To find out if you require one visit the IRS website here

https://irs-federal-ein-number.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy7TZosfU- wIV3G1vBB1NMA4zEAAYASAAEgJQ8fD_BwE

Do I need a City of Antioch License to open  a daycare facility?

A commercial daycare requires a use permit from the Planning Division. A large or small family childcare home  does not require a license from the city but must have  a state license.

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