200 “H” Street
Antioch, CA 94531
Building Services Division
Tel: (925)779-7065
Planning Division
Tel: (925) 779-6159
Code Enforcement Division
Tel (925) 779-7042
Preliminary Application Review Meeting
A Preliminary Application review meeting provides an opportunity for a prospective applicant to present a proposed development application with City staff and receive feedback prior to submitting a development application. Applicants will present the preliminary project scope and details to Planning & Engineering staff. Feedback received will assist the applicant to refine project plans prior to a formal submittal. Applicants are bly encouraged to contact external agencies that have regulating authority including but not limited to include but are not limited to Contra Costa County Fire and Contra Costa County Environmental Health.
Prospective applicants must first contact the Planner of the Day at Planning@antiochca.gov for an initial consultation. Once the consultation has occurred and the applicant is ready to proceed with a preliminary application meeting, please use the form link below to schedule the meeting.
Please click here to complete our Pre-Application Request Form:
Required Attendance: Project applicant, designer/engineer (if applicable), other project representatives as appropriate (ex. property owner, attorney, etc.)
Required Content: