Meet Ms. Olivia

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Hi, I’m Ms. Olivia, the Antioch Recreation Preschool Academy mascot and I am here to help YOU learn everything you need to know about our preschool academy! My goal is to provide tips to families that help set your child on a path for success as they embark on their scholastic journey. Here, at Antioch Recreation Preschool Academy, we focus on aiding in the socialization and emotional regulation of our students, helping them to build successful interactions with their peers as we teach them to master pre-writing, pre-math, colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. Every child is unique, and our academy accommodates their uniqueness using a developmentally appropriate curriculum. You as parents and guardians are also unique, and our academy respects the way you empower your child’s developmental growth. With any student in our academy, we hope to curate a safe, accepting, and nurturing environment using the youth development skills and techniques implemented by our academy instructors. Check back for updated tips on how to continue your student on the pathway of academic excellence and social success at Antioch Recreation Preschool Academy!

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